
Category: Articles

HealthCare NZ & NZHG brands take the Pride Pledge!

Thursday 20 June, 2024 in Articles Blog

We commit to all LGBTTQIA+, Tāngata Takatāpui and Rainbow people having the freedom to feel safe, be included, and be visible and will use our voice to actively affirm, empower and celebrate our Rainbow communities.  New Zealand Health Group (NZHG) brands, is proud to be the country’s first national community health and support services provider to […]

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Supporting Autistic Children Through Floods & Natural Disasters

Wednesday 22 February, 2023 in Articles Blog

When severe weather events happen, it is normal to have an emotional response, whether you’re directly or indirectly affected. These emotions affect people of all ages, in different ways. They can occur immediately, later, or even long after the event has passed. People may experience thoughts, feelings, physical reactions, or behaviours that are intense, confusing, […]

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Autism Resources in New Zealand

Wednesday 6 July, 2022 in Articles Blog

Discover resources made for Autistic individuals, as well as for families, support workers and teachers who want to better understand Autism and support people in their everyday life.   While New Zealand has a wide array of resources and support systems available for Autistic people, it can sometimes be difficult to discover the right option for […]

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Getting in-house care after an injury

Monday 9 May, 2022 in Articles Blog

Recovering from an injury can be a long, difficult process. A little extra help from an in-home nurse can make your recovery quicker and more comfortable. If you or a loved one has sustained an injury, you may be eligible for in-home nursing care. For people with ACC-approved injuries, who are assessed as being unable […]

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